Part I
Deciding whether or not to come
back to Belgium wasn’t hard - as the months passed we realized that we really
wanted to be together. We hadn’t made any plans or promises when I went back
home, we always said “Let’s see what happens”. And what happened was that 3
months later he was visiting Brazil and it became obvious that I would return
to Belgium. How? When? We had no clue.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
At first I thought I would just
visit, keep the long distance relationship going, take things slowly in order
to be really, really sure before taking such a step. Who was I kidding? I knew,
my family knew, all our friends knew that I would stay here. Voor altijd. I got
those familiar conflicting feelings of being afraid nothing would work and
being certain we would figure things out. However, the biggest conflict I had
to sort out in my heart was: I am abandoning my family. I felt like I had
already been so absent and missed so much of their lives and that I absolutely
had to be there with them. I thought about it all the time (and still do) and I
understood that 1. I didn’t have to be physically present to be part of their
lives; 2. If I lived in another city or state in Brazil, for example, I would
see them a few times a year or less; 3. I wouldn’t be happy if I stayed. They
started talking about my leaving even before I did. They gave us their absolute
support and that made things a lot easier.
I got a job and started saving as
much as I could and researching any possible way of living legally in Belgium.
My first idea was to find a job as an English teacher and apply for a work visa.
I believed it would work - there are dozens of language schools in Brussels and
other major cities and I trusted my skills and experience. I wrote ALL the
schools I found but only a few of them replied saying that (my words) they wouldn’t
hire a non-native speaker (I could rant about it on another post) and that they
wouldn’t go through the trouble of applying for a work permit and bringing an
instructor from abroad. I was frustrated, but I understood.
I considered applying for a
student visa but I wasn’t sure what to study and I would much rather work,
since I intended to build a life here. There was always the “easy way” –
getting married, but I didn’t want to base that decision on visa issues. Boy,
sometimes I wish I had European ascendants so that I could get a passport!
Finally, after a lot of research
and considering the requirements, we decided to apply for a cohabitation visa (I’ll
write all about it when the process is over. One thing you have to know: it
takes TIME!). We found a lot of incomplete and conflicting information; we
wrote the municipal administration, the Belgian Consulate in Brazil, the
Immigration office and friends who had gone through the same and we are still
learning on the go.
I finished the semester at the
English school I was working, packed my bags and flew off on Christmas night (you
know, cheaper tickets). We drove home under heavy rain (so cliché, Belgium!)
and had an amazing Christmas dinner with gift exchange. Sometimes I looked
around and couldn’t believe I was here again but on the other hand it felt like
I had never left. I saw my friends again, went to my favorite bars, met new
people, met his whole family and started getting used to living with his
parents and brother. It’s been fun and full of love and support.
I visited my host family, hugged
and kissed and squeeeezed the kids. My host mom said: “It’s like you were here
yesterday” and we had an epic moment when the past, current and future (Brazilian)
Au Pairs had dinner with the family.
We spent New Year’s Eve in
Vienna. It was great to have some time alone and catch up and it was
fun because neither of us had ever been there.
Schonbrunn Palace, Vienna, Austria |
When we returned we immediately
started putting our file together and visiting the town hall. Many
declarations, translations and a couple of fees later, we signed the
application and started the waiting game (it can take up to six months for them
to give us a response). It really IS a waiting game for me, because while he
works I stay home trying to keep sane and trying – once again – to figure out
what to do with my precious life.
Useful official links:
Belgian Immigration Office:
Foreign Affairs:
Belgian Embassies and Consulates abroad:
Leave a comment or question if you like and share this with a friend who might relate. Cheers! :)
Next post about my return to Belgium: What the hell have I been doing with so much free time? :p
eu li sobre esse tipo de visa no meu curso de dutch. só n sabia que levava tanto tempo rs o povo aqui compete direitinho com os americanos em relação a dificultar nossa estadia no país deles hein!
e fiquei curiosa, nem eu sei oq fazer com tanto free time aqui, imagino vc, free de fato hahaha bjs
Pois é, nossa deadline pra receber resposta da Imigração é agosto!!! Muita paciência e foco.
Eu fiz meu pedido de cohabitaçao ainda no Brasil e foi taoooo rapido. Fiquei surpresa quando vc diz que demora cerca de 6 meses por aqui...boa sorte pra vcs!!! Mas tenho certeza que vai dar tudo certo!!!
1st - me and my girls are missing you in Gaasbeek =/
2nd - i'm loving your blog and your process to stay here =)
Beijos e apareceee
to nessa tbm, mas ainda nao decidimos... casar no brasil, casar na europa, cohabitação... morar no brasil, morar na europa ehehehe
Even as European and passport and being able to stay, one still has to land a job...and they are sooo scarce these days! Belgium is getting colder by the day and I'm not talking about the weather..
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